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  • Association québécoise  des centres communautaires pour aînés (AQCCA)
    Is a non-profit organization bringing together community centers for seniors located in Quebec that are affiliated with it. It is the only group of its kind  across Quebec and thus assumes a major role of provincial structure, representation and support for its members. The AQCCA supports the work of community centers for seniors by providing information on topics that may be of interest to them, by training staff and volunteers on issues specifically affecting their work and by promoting the flow of information between centers in different regions. .
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  • Centre communautaire pour aînés de Verdun (CCAV)
    The Center communautaire pour Aînés de Verdun is an organization which, thanks to the involvement and the management of their own needs, constitutes a living environment which aims to promote the well-being and improve the quality of life of seniors, as long as possible, in the community.
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  • Centre communautaire Marcel-Giroux
    The Marcel-Giroux community center offers sports and leisure activities.
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  • Centre communautaire Saint-Antoine 50+
    Is a social services organization offering various programs and services to seniors and other adults, at the Center and in the community.   We strive to improve the quality of life for people and communities in the area  southwest of Montreal.  All fostering friendships and creating opportunities for members to share and learn while coping with similar life experiences. Our goals are to support, break isolation and empower our seniors.
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  • Centre des aînés de Pointe-Saint-Charles
    Is a community center for seniors in the Pointe-Saint-Charles district of Montreal. Its mission is to improve the quality of life and promote the autonomy of people aged 50 and over. We work to contribute to the well-being of seniors in situations of social, physical and economic vulnerability, as well as to support their loved ones in order to encourage their involvement.
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  • Dawson
    The Dawson Youth Club is a friendly, safe and secure community center where children, youth, adults and seniors can discover new possibilities, overcome obstacles, build positive relationships, develop self-confidence and learn skills that will serve them for life.
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