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  • ASSOCIATION D'ENTRAIDE des personnes handicapées physiques de Montréal (Alpha)The mission of the Association d'entraide  of people with physical disabilities in Montreal is to promote the social integration of people with physical and/or neurological limitations and their active maintenance in society. To do this, the organization offers these people social and cultural activity programs, reception and community support services, as well as advocacy and advocacy activities.
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  • Association canadienne pour la santé mentale
    Dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental illness and carrying out support activities for the population. We believe in helping individuals, groups and communities maintain and improve their mental health while exercising greater control over their lives. We believe that social justice, individual and collective responsibility, access to adequate resources and support, autonomy and maximum integration into the community promote good mental health and a satisfying quality of life.
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  • Association des Centres d’écoute du Québec
    Listening centers that accompany you without judgement. Welcome ! Our listening centers offer free and confidential telephone listening services. Anyone feeling the need to confide or experiencing psychological distress will find an attentive ear.
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  • Centre d'écoute téléphonique (SAISM)
    The Telephone Listening Center (SAISM) is an anonymous and confidential service. Thanks to our network collaboration with several other listening centres, this service is offered seven days a week from 9:00 am to 3:00 am. The help line is for people experiencing loneliness, a difficult time or psychological distress and who want to talk about it to get help. The service is provided by volunteers trained by the organization.
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  • Écoute Entraide
    Is a community organization whose mission is to offer support to people struggling with emotional suffering, through volunteer action and active listening. Our services are aimed at anyone going through a difficult period. Our services are completely free.
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  • Lignes d'écoute et d'aide dans le Grand Montréal
    Many community organizations in Quebec offer free, anonymous and confidential listening services by telephone. Help lines aim to break isolation by allowing people to confide in and share a particular psychological state. Some crisis lines are general, that is to say that the organization is not specialized in a particular area and responds to all listening requests, while other telephone crisis services are aimed only a clientele (young people, seniors, LGBTQ, etc.) or a particular subject (mental health, bereavement, addictions, etc.).
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  • Mamies Imigrantes pour le développement et l’intégration
    Their mission is to promote the integration of older immigrant women into the host society. The services offered are: ●Information, orientation, listening, training and referral to members ●Respite for caregivers ●Storytelling in schools ●Initiation to sewing and theater ●Childcare (Granny at home)
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  • Services d’écoute  (Le Portail de la Prévention  du Suicide)
    When certain life situations become difficult and one no longer knows how to deal with them, hotlines can be a relatively easy first step to take. They guarantee to any caller in a state of psychological crisis an attentive listening, a response and, if necessary, an orientation which responds as best as possible to the situation or the difficulties which motivated the call. The anonymity of the caller and listener is the fundamental rule of their operation.
    Learn more's mission is to prevent suicide through digital technologies. It informs and helps people with suicidal thoughts and behaviors, those who are worried about a loved one or who are bereaved by suicide, as well as workers who work with vulnerable clienteles.
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  • Tel-Écoute
    Offers free, anonymous and confidential listening and referral services to the population of Greater Montreal. The objective pursued is to break the isolation and to allow each person to express and/or ventilate their emotions or the situations experienced and, if necessary, lead them towards avenues of reflection or towards their own solutions. Our listening services are provided by volunteers trained in active listening, gerontology and the grieving process. They are supervised by an experienced work team.
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